Syntax A Generative Introduction 3rd Edition Answer Key

Carnie: Syntax: A Generative Introduction, 3rd Edition. Browse by Chapter. Browse by Chapter. Almost every preface to every syntax textbook out there starts out by telling the reader how different this book is from every other syntax textbook. On one hand, this is often the truth: each author shows their own particular spin or emphasis. This is certainly true of this textbook.

Syntax A Generative Introduction 3rd Edition Answer Key Pdf

Welcome to the book companion site for Syntax: A Generative Introduction, third edition and for The Syntax Workbook: A Companion to Carnie’s Syntax.

On this companion site you will find a useful Glossary of technical terms used in the book, and two chapters from the previous editions that aren’t included in the third edition, reproduced in their entirety here: Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Lexical-Functional Grammar.

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